[R-pkg-devel] Lapack: undefined symbol: zgbsv_

Ralf Stubner ralf.stubner at r-institute.com
Wed Feb 14 14:49:38 CET 2018

On 14.02.2018 05:12, Baptiste Auguie wrote:
> It would make sense to test for internal vs external Lapack and decide
> based on that (regardless of the OS); as you say, the results should be
> essentially identical to what happens when the same user installs
> RcppArmadillo on their machine. Unfortunately I don't know how to
> proceed. I copied RcppArmadillo's configure.ac <http://configure.ac>
> script and tried to extract just the Lapack testing bits, but these
> macro and configure concepts are totally foreign to me. I believe it
> would be helpful to have a minimal example of this type of configuration
> for the dummy isolve package (https://github.com/baptiste/isolve
> <https://github.com/baptiste/isolve>), if someone with such expertise
> and a linux machine is willing to help.

Have a look at https://github.com/baptiste/isolve/pull/1 for one way to
do this. With this change it works in my test Docker image together with
the dev version(!) of RcppArmadillo.


Ralf Stubner
Senior Software Engineer / Trainer

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