[R-pkg-devel] Strange Additional_repositories NOTE followed by package install error
Uwe Ligges
ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Mon Feb 5 18:19:56 CET 2018
The repository is obviously *not* available for Windows as
does not exist.
> Since the failures only occur on Windows machines, and have only
> appeared recently, I have considered modifying the DESCRIPTION file to
> 'trick' win-builder into reinstalling taxstats
-> This is strictly prohibited and you will be banned of CRAN if you try
Uwe Ligges
On 05.02.2018 12:28, Hugh Parsonage wrote:
> I am unable to reproduce a recent R CMD check failure on CRAN
> concerning a package of mine: grattan.
> This package Suggests: taxstats which is a large package hosted by an
> Additional repository: https://hughparsonage.github.io/drat/
> When I run this check locally, on travis, and on appveyor with
> _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_ = true I get the expected NOTE:
> * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
> Maintainer: ‘Hugh Parsonage <hugh.parsonage at gmail.com>’
> Suggests or Enhances not in mainstream repositories:
> taxstats
> Availability using Additional_repositories specification:
> taxstats yes https://hughparsonage.github.io/drat/
> However, on CRAN (including win-builder) I get the rather curious NOTE:
> * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
> Maintainer: 'Hugh Parsonage <hugh.parsonage at gmail.com>'
> Suggests or Enhances not in mainstream repositories:
> taxstats
> Availability using Additional_repositories specification:
> taxstats no ?
> ? ? https://hughparsonage.github.io/drat/
> Additional repositories with no packages:
> https://hughparsonage.github.io/drat/
> followed by errors resulting from failures to install 'taxstats' when
> code such as the following is run to re-build vignettes:
> if (requireNamespace("taxstats", quietly = TRUE)){
> library(taxstats)
> } else {
> templib <- tempfile()
> hutils::provide.dir(templib)
> install.packages("taxstats",
> lib = templib,
> repos = "https://hughparsonage.github.io/drat/",
> type = "source")
> library("taxstats", lib.loc = templib)
> }
> Since the failures only occur on Windows machines, and have only
> appeared recently, I have considered modifying the DESCRIPTION file to
> 'trick' win-builder into reinstalling taxstats, as I suspect there may
> be caching issues. However, given that the 'taxstats' package takes a
> fairly long time to install, I don't want to do this nor submit to
> CRAN in case I am missing something else that's causing the check to
> fail.
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