[R-pkg-devel] new package? - Sports data from transfermarkt.com using rvest
Kehl Dániel
kehld at ktk.pte.hu
Tue Jan 23 16:27:31 CET 2018
Dear List members,
maybe this is not the right place to ask, if that is the case, please forward me to the right place.
I developed some functions to download and transform football/soccer related data from transfermarkt.com.
There are plans to create my first package based on these functions and of course develop them and add more later. As far as I know there is no API to that page, so I am using the rvest package.
My question is: is this an OK thing to do? Should I contact transfermarkt.com? My german is not perfect (just like my english), this is what I've found on thier webpage. Does that mean one can not create a package related to that page? Or can't crawl at all? Or just not allowed to sell the data? If it is allowed, can one post the package on CRAN at the end?
Please if any of you have experience in that or just show me where to ask, do not hesitate!
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Thank you for all your insights and/or comments,
best regards
Dr. KEHL Dániel
Közgazdaságtan és Ökonometria Intézet
H-7622 Pécs, Rákóczi út 80. | www.ktk.pte.hu
+36 72 501 599/ 23144 | kehld at ktk.pte.hu
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