[R-pkg-devel] A problem with Sweave in developing a package vignette

Magnus Peterson zen90218 at zen.co.uk
Fri Nov 24 18:34:14 CET 2017

I am using Sweave to create a vignette for a package,
but when it appears in a code chunk of the .Rnw file
the following line causes an execution halt of Sweave:-

data("WingPoints",envir = environment(()))

This is surprising since this data call as a line
of a function within the package is accepted  by R
and is indeed part of the "Best practice" recommendations
in ?data called from R.

What Sweave apparently objects to is the first closing
inner bracket, indicating an empty inner argument for
the variable environment.

Is this a bug or what should I do?  The function runs perfectly
in R in its usual context, and in the .Rnw file it is in a  chunk

Magnus Peterson

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