[R-pkg-devel] New Package Proposal: Feather with Matrix Notation ( [ , ] $ ) Access

Juan Telleria jtelleriar at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 00:24:47 CEST 2017

Dear R Developers,

I am writing as I would like to propose a github project for the creation
of on-disk data.frames/tibbles.

These new S3 class, could be based on feathers (which have a columnar
structure for saving data), which would allow the use of matrix notation or
$ symbols for individual column access, as if they where regular in-memory

The feather github project link is on the following page:

SparkR Apache project, as I have been told in R-devel, offers a similar
functionality, but the point is to extend it for feathers:


Anyone would be interested in such project?

Kind regards,

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