[R-pkg-devel] Proper way to cleanup after build third party components?

Konstantin Sorokin kvs at sigterm.ru
Sun Jun 4 23:51:24 CEST 2017

This third party component is a compression library for which my package
provides bindings and I need to build this library first. Look at the lines
starting from

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 12:19 AM, Brian G. Peterson <brian at braverock.com>

> On Sun, 2017-06-04 at 22:56 +0300, Konstantin Sorokin wrote:
> > I've recently submitted my first package on CRAN and now need to make
> > some improvements on feedback received from CRAN maintainers.
> >
> > https://github.com/thekvs/zstdr
> > https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/zstdr/index.html
> >
> > My question are:
> >
> >    1. In the process of building package I also need to build some
> >    third party components, now I use mktemp utility to create
> > temporary subdirectory in /tmp/ directory where I build this third
> > party part. I was told that according to CRAN packaging policy I
> > should not leave any artifacts in /tmp/ after package build. My
> > question is: Is it enough to delete this temporary directory in the
> > "cleanup" script?
> >    2. Is it possible to install cmake on OSX and Solaris build hosts?
> Why not just use .Rbuildignore so that the generated tarball doesn't
> have any of the extra files?  Or do I misunderstand your question?

Konstantin Sorokin

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