[R-pkg-devel] Proper way to cleanup after build third party components?

Konstantin Sorokin kvs at sigterm.ru
Sun Jun 4 21:56:52 CEST 2017


I've recently submitted my first package on CRAN and now need to make
some improvements
on feedback received from CRAN maintainers.


My question are:

   1. In the process of building package I also need to build some
   third party components, now I use mktemp utility to create temporary
   subdirectory in /tmp/ directory where I build this third party part. I was
   told that according to CRAN packaging policy I should not leave any
   artifacts in /tmp/ after package build. My question is: Is it enough to
   delete this temporary directory in the "cleanup" script?
   2. Is it possible to install cmake on OSX and Solaris build hosts?

Konstantin Sorokin

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