[R-pkg-devel] Depending on currently unreleased package

William Brannon will.brannon at gmail.com
Sat May 6 22:02:53 CEST 2017

Hi r-devel,

I have a package called sqlscore (
https://cran.r-project.org/package=sqlscore) which depends on dplyr
functions for SQL generation. The new version of dplyr splits these
functions into a different package (dbplyr) and provides a recommended way
to wrap around access to the function in the appropriate package. So when
it's released in a few days, users with the new dplyr will see errors when
trying to use sqlscore. So far, so good, though - updating my R code as
such isn't hard.

But dbplyr won't be released before the new  dplyr is, and I can't figure
out how to list it in Imports, Depends or even Suggests to release an
update ahead of the new dplyr release. Doing so causes ERRORs in R CMD
check about an unavailable dependency, and not doing so causes problems
with "::" references to a package not mentioned in DESCRIPTION.

I'd rather not wait until dbplyr is released to submit a new package, for
obvious reasons. But releasing an update which depends on it before that
might also cause breakage.

Any suggestions for the right upgrade path?


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