[R-pkg-devel] R package test breakage catch 22

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Tue May 2 17:27:14 CEST 2017

Submit B first and write in the submission comments that A will fail but 
a version of A is ready to be submitted once B is accepted.

Uwe Ligges

On 02.05.2017 06:13, Johannes Ranke wrote:
>> how does one solve this catch-22?
> I see these possibilities
> a) reduce the precision of the tests in A, so the test passes with both
> versions of B
> b) a submission of both packages at the same time, with a message in the
> comments, explaining to CRAN why it is necessary that both are published at
> the same time (and maybe in more detail why the expected test results
> changed...)
> c) merge the packages into one
> Cheers,
> Johannes
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