[R-pkg-devel] How do you discover and learn about R packages?

Mark van der Loo mark.vanderloo at gmail.com
Mon Mar 20 22:27:03 CET 2017


Just took the poll.

I think cranberries would deserve mention there as well. It is the only
continuous feed that reports in new pkgs and updates (that I know of).


On Mon, Mar 20, 2017, 14:57 Julia Silge <julia.silge at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am contributing to a session at userR 2017 this coming July that will
> focus on discovering and learning about R packages. This is an increasingly
> important issue for R users as we all decide which of the 10,000+ packages
> to invest time in understanding and then use in our work.
> To prepare for this session and gain some understanding, I am running an
> online survey about how R users currently discover and learn about R
> packages:
> http://doo.vote/a87ff60
> The question has one multiple select question about how you currently
> discover and learn about R packages. If you have other ways that you don’t
> feel were fairly covered in the survey options, feel free to reply to me or
> leave a comment here on my blog:
> http://juliasilge.com/blog/Package-Search/
> Thanks,
> Julia
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