[R-pkg-devel] Solaris SPARC, Fortran, and logical errors?
Ben Bolker
bbolker at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 13:20:25 CET 2017
I completely agree that testing on SPARC Solaris is valuable, however
much of a nuisance it is. But I also agree that it would be great if
we could find a way to provide a publicly accessible SPARC Solaris
testing framework.
On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 6:49 AM, Uwe Ligges
<ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de> wrote:
> On 15.03.2017 18:30, Ben Bolker wrote:
>> On 17-03-15 11:09 AM, J C Nash wrote:
>>> Possibly tangential, but has there been any effort to set up a Sparc
>>> testbed? It
>>> seems we could use a network-available (virtual?) machine, since this
>>> platform is
>>> often the unfortunate one. Unless, of course, there's a sunset date.
>>> For information, I mentioned SPARC at our local linux group, and
>>> apparently there
>>> are a couple of folk who have them running, but I didn't find out the
>>> state of the
>>> OS etc.
>>> JN
>> The virtual machine platforms I know of (admittedly not a complete
>> list!) only support Solaris on x86, e.g.
> Yes, you cannot emulate a Sparc in an efficient way on an amd64 platform.
> I take the opportunity to repeat why testing on *Sparc Solaris* gives many
> benefits:
> - this way we cover big- and little-endian platforms (i.e. for future
> stability so that it works on what appear to be still esoteric such as ARM
> based architectures or so)
> - we cover one of the commercial unixes, i.e. we see
> + how stuff works on the the typically rather old toolchains
> + and what happens in on gnu/gcc-setups and how much GNUisms are used
> Best,
> Uwe Ligges
>> https://community.oracle.com/thread/2569292
>>> On 2017-03-15 10:40 AM, Avraham Adler wrote:
>>>> Hello.
>>>> The Delaporte package works properly on all R-core platforms except
>>>> Solaris SPARC, where it compiles properly but fails a number of its
>>>> tests [1]. Not having access to a SPARC testbed, I'm limited in what
>>>> kind of diagnostics I can do. One thing I have noticed is that a lot
>>>> of the failures occur when I am passing non-default logicals (like
>>>> lower tail or log). For example, the first failure at that link is
>>>> when "log = true" is supposed to be passed, but the SPARC answers are
>>>> the unlogged values. Of the 22 failed tests, 12 of them pass logicals.
>>>> I'll bring an example of how it is coded below, and if anyone
>>>> recognizes where SPARC specifically goes wrong, I'd appreciate. I
>>>> guess, if I absolutely had to, I could convert the logical to an
>>>> integer in C and pass the integer to Fortran which should work even
>>>> for SPARC, but I'd prefer not to if I could help it.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Avi
>>>> [1] https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_Delaporte.html
>>>> *****Example Code*****
>>>> R code:
>>>> ddelap <- function(x, alpha, beta, lambda, log = FALSE){
>>>> if(!is.double(x)) {storage.mode(x) <- 'double'}
>>>> if(!is.double(alpha)) {storage.mode(alpha) <- 'double'}
>>>> if(!is.double(beta)) {storage.mode(beta) <- 'double'}
>>>> if(!is.double(lambda)) {storage.mode(lambda) <- 'double'}
>>>> if(any(x > floor(x))) {
>>>> warning("Non-integers passed to ddelap. These will have 0
>>>> probability.")
>>>> }
>>>> .Call(ddelap_C, x, alpha, beta, lambda, log)
>>>> }
>>>> C code:
>>>> void ddelap_f(double *x, int nx, double *a, int na, double *b, int nb,
>>>> double *l, int nl,
>>>> int *lg, double *ret);
>>>> extern SEXP ddelap_C(SEXP x, SEXP alpha, SEXP beta, SEXP lambda, SEXP
>>>> lg){
>>>> const int nx = LENGTH(x);
>>>> const int na = LENGTH(alpha);
>>>> const int nb = LENGTH(beta);
>>>> const int nl = LENGTH(lambda);
>>>> SEXP ret;
>>>> PROTECT(ret = allocVector(REALSXP, nx));
>>>> ddelap_f(REAL(x), nx, REAL(alpha), na, REAL(beta), nb, REAL(lambda),
>>>> nl, LOGICAL(lg), REAL(ret));
>>>> UNPROTECT(1);
>>>> return(ret);
>>>> }
>>>> Fortran: (not posting ddelap_f_s as that doesn't handle the logging)
>>>> subroutine ddelap_f(x, nx, a, na, b, nb, l, nl, lg, pmfv) bind(C,
>>>> name="ddelap_f")
>>>> integer(kind = c_int), intent(in), value :: nx, na, nb, nl
>>>> ! Sizes
>>>> real(kind = c_double), intent(in), dimension(nx) :: x
>>>> ! Observations
>>>> real(kind = c_double), intent(out), dimension(nx):: pmfv
>>>> ! Result
>>>> real(kind = c_double), intent(in) :: a(na), b(nb),
>>>> l(nl)! Parameters
>>>> logical(kind = c_bool), intent(in) :: lg
>>>> ! Log flag
>>>> integer :: i
>>>> ! Integer
>>>> !$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i)
>>>> do i = 1, nx
>>>> if (x(i) > floor(x(i))) then
>>>> pmfv(i) = ZERO
>>>> else
>>>> pmfv(i) = ddelap_f_s(x(i), a(mod(i - 1, na) + 1), &
>>>> b(mod(i - 1, nb) + 1), l(mod(i -
>>>> 1, nl) + 1))
>>>> end if
>>>> end do
>>>> !$omp end parallel do
>>>> if (lg) then
>>>> pmfv = log(pmfv)
>>>> end if
>>>> end subroutine ddelap_f
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