[R-pkg-devel] package listed in RdMacros field in file DESCRIPTION not installed by travis

Georgi Boshnakov georgi.boshnakov at manchester.ac.uk
Fri Mar 10 17:06:49 CET 2017


Background context: 

Field RdMacros was introduced in file DESCRIPTION to allow users to import LaTeX-like macros from other packages.
The idea is to put a line 

RdMacros: XXX

and then use macros from package XXX in the documentation of your package. 
Package XXX does not need to be list in Imposts/Depends/Suggests.

A user of my package Rdpack reported a problem he encountered on travis, 
see https://travis-ci.org/ISAAKiel/mortAAR/builds/209313379 and the excerps from our correspondence below.
(The warning in that report is misleading, package Rdpack is not installed by the build system.)

My guess is that that build system checks the Imposts/Depends/Suggests fields but not RdMacros
but I don't use such systems (yet) and hope to hear from others. 

A small package that can be used to test this is  available at
(and this is the source: http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/~gb/testRdMacro_src.tar.gz).


>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: 
>>>> Sent: 09 March 2017 13:04
>>>> To: Georgi Boshnakov
>>>> Subject: Re: Rdpack
>>>> Thank you or the fast reply!
>>>> I tried to just add "RdMacros: Rdpack" and got the following warning:
>>>> https://travis-ci.org/ISAAKiel/mortAAR/builds/209313379
>>>> Temporarily I fixed the travis build by adding Rdpack to the r package dependencies in the travis matrix:
>>>> https://github.com/ISAAKiel/mortAAR/commit/40b6fcfce7e93dd5eba667b5
>>>> b
>>>> 0
>>>> 8
>>>> eec71cebb6f09
>>>> But that's not a sufficient solution for any other build environment. I guess it would be necessary to add Rdpack to the dependency lists in the DESCRIPTION file.
>>>> Clemens
>>>> On 03/09/2017 01:33 PM, Georgi Boshnakov wrote:
>>>>> Dear Clemens,
>>>>> It is sufficient to add the following line to file DESCRIPTION:
>>>>> RdMacros: Rdpack
>>>>> I think that it should suffice but let me know if not. 
>>>>> Have you checked the package's vignette? 
>>>>> I am attaching it. If you have seen it, I probably should make this more clear. 
>>>>> Thank you for using my package. Any reports/suggestions are welcome.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Georgi
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: 
>>>>> Sent: 09 March 2017 12:21
>>>>> To: Georgi Boshnakov
>>>>> Subject: Rdpack
>>>>> Dear Mr. Boshnakov,
>>>>> I would like to use your R package Rdpack to automatically add citations to the roxygen2 documentation of a package (https://github.com/ISAAKiel/mortAAR). The setup with the RdMacro works fine locally, but how could I submit this to CRAN? I somehow have to add Rdpack to the dependencies of the package, I guess?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Clemens

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