[R-pkg-devel] R CMD Check: Tests running infinite

Hadley Wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 22:19:01 CET 2017

>> A lot of packages have to work around this:
>> https://github.com/search?q=user%3Acran+R_TESTS&type=Code
> I wonder if those are mostly there because of cut'n'paste behavior.

It's not something I've ever advocated; I didn't realise there were so
many people unsetting it. (devtools does it for you)

>> Most of these use testthat, but not all of them.
> My interest in this issue is because I haven't yet experienced this
> myself and I run lots and lots of package tests in future that
> utilizes the parallel package.  In doFuture I do similar tests, which
> is on top of the foreach package.   I don't use testthat and I also
> don't use doParallel in my testing.

The motivation for unsetting in in devtools is to avoid problems when
you run R CMD check from inside another R CMD check. I think it
affects some behaviour deep inside R, not just fancy quoting.



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