[R-pkg-devel] doc url to vignette

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 14:20:50 CEST 2016

On 21/09/2016 7:57 AM, S Ellison wrote:
> > How can I link to a certain page on CRAN without getting flagged for non-
> > canonical CRAN URL forms?
> In the interests of avoiding something that may change in future if CRAN is restructured, would it be sufficient to include the link to the vignette on the project home page you put in the DESCRIPTION file URL?
> Or perhaps <heresy>you could sidestep cran URL checking by using a bit.ly link pointed at your vignette, or similar redirect</heresy>... that might even be easier to maintain if you move your vignette.

In other words, try to mislead CRAN.  If you are caught doing that, you 
won't get much sympathy in the future.

Why not just link to the copy of the vignette that is distributed with 
the package?  That will work even if your Internet connection doesn't.  
Just use a relative URL.  To link from vignette1.html to vignette2.html, 
use URL "vignette2.html".  They'll be installed in the same directory 
when the package is installed, so the relative link will work.

Duncan Murdoch

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