[R-pkg-devel] Build fails at Travis CI

Jim Blundell jeblundell at doctors.org.uk
Sun Jun 5 17:32:27 CEST 2016

If it's open source, would you mind posting the link to github/travis?
On 4 Jun 2016 21:13, "Daniel Marcelino" <dmarcelino at live.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder if anyone has experienced this issue with Travis CI. The
> package I'm committing is just fine, it passes all the CRAN devel
> checks, but fails at Travis building checks.
> I realized that if I git commit without  the "Collate" section, it
> passes. However, I've no clue why.
> I will appreciate any help on this.
> Daniel
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> "Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est"
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