[R-pkg-devel] Documenting S4 generic does not show usage

Manny Calavera olbapjose at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 13:20:56 CET 2016

Good day to everyone,
I have an issue when documenting an S4 generic. I have the following in my
file generics.R:

#' @rdname myfunction-methods#' @name myfunction <- without this,
roxygen2 complaints about missing name#' @export
  function( arg1, arg2 ),
      arg3, arg4 {

and then in my file mymethods.R:

#' Something#'#' A brief description#'#' @param all params... #'
@return Something#' @name myfunction <- without this, roxygen2
complaints on missing name#' @include generics.R#' @rdname
myfunction-methods#' @export
methods::setMethod( "myfunction",
  methods::signature( arg1 = "formula", arg2 = "data.frame" ),
  function( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ) {


With this, everything is fine except that the usage section is not showing
up. Could you please correct what is wrong in my documentation? More


   Is it correct to write the documentation before setMethod or is it
   preferably before setGeneric ?

   Why do I need the @namein both files? Should it be different? Does it

   Do I need @export in both files?

   Would @alias help at all?

I tried reading Hadley Wickham's section on how to document S4 functions
but did not help (probably I didn't understand something correctly).

Thank you very much in advance.

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