[R-pkg-devel] Creating Accessor Methods

Thomas Petzoldt thomas.petzoldt at tu-dresden.de
Thu Mar 10 17:33:16 CET 2016

On 10.03.2016 16:48, Daniel Nüst wrote:
> Hi Glenn!
> On 10/03/16 15:05, Glenn Schultz wrote:
>> I have a package with to S4 classes (MBSCashFlow, REMICCashFlow and
>> BondCashFlow) all of which contain the slot Duration.  I would like
>> have an accessor Duration that would work on multiple signatures.  Is
>> this possible?  I have checked my books, help, BioConductor tutorials
>> and it appears that this is not possible.  Has anyone ever run into
>> this situation?
> I actually use a similar mechanism to extract values from different S4
> classes in my package, and it works quite well. So if I understand you
> right, the following code might help you to get closer to want you want:
> https://github.com/52North/sos4R/blob/master/R/SOS-methods-accessor.R
> I created methods for different signatures, see for example
> "sosObservedProperties".

Yes, that's straightforward. But I still wonder if it is at all possible 
to use not only different *signatures*, but also different argument 
*names* in S4, e.g.:

foo(formula, data, ...)

foo(data, grouping, ...)

Now I'm using a combination of S3 and S4 in my package for this purpose, 
and for some other quirks.


Dr. Thomas Petzoldt
Technische Universitaet Dresden
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Institute of Hydrobiology
01062 Dresden, Germany

E-Mail: thomas.petzoldt at tu-dresden.de

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