[R-pkg-devel] Namespace error

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 02:04:50 CET 2016

On 16/02/2016 12:14 PM, Glenn Schultz wrote:
> All
> I am not sure why I am getting this error and I cannot find anything on the net other than try to restart R. I am
> using Roxygen2 and it clearly says don't edit by hand at the top of the namespace so I am stuck as what to do or look for.

You will need to contact the Roxygen2 maintainers about this.  We don't 
support it.

Duncan Murdoch

> Glenn
> Error in namespaceExport(ns, exports) : undefined exports: View
> Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘BondLab’
> Execution halted
> * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... WARNING
> Error in namespaceExport(ns, exports) : undefined exports: View
> Calls: loadNamespace ... namespaceImportFrom -> asNamespace -> loadNamespace -> namespaceExport
> Execution halted
> A namespace must be able to be loaded with just the base namespace
> loaded: otherwise if the namespace gets loaded by a saved object, the
> session will be unable to start.
> Probably some imports need to be declared in the NAMESPACE file.
> * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
> * checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
> Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘BondLab’
> Call sequence:
> 2: stop(gettextf("package or namespace load failed for %s", sQuote(package)),
> call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
> Here is my namespace:
> # Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
> export(AtomsData)
> export(BeginBal)
> export(Bond)
> export(BondAnalytics)
> export(BondBasisConversion)
> export(BondCashFlows)
> export(CDR.To.MDR)
> export(CIRBondPrice)
> export(CIRSim)
> export(CPR.To.SMM)
> export(CalibrateCIR)
> export(CashFlowTable)
> export(CollateralGroup)
> export(CusipRecord)
> export(DollarRoll)
> export(DollarRollAnalytics)
> export(Effective.Convexity)
> export(Effective.Duration)
> export(Effective.Measure)
> export(EndingBal)
> export(EstimYTM)
> export(Forward.Rate)
> export(ForwardPassThrough)
> export(HPISim)
> export(Interest)
> export(MBS)
> export(MakeBondDetails)
> export(MakeCollateral)
> export(MakeMBSDetails)
> export(MakeModelTune)
> export(MakeRAID)
> export(MakeRDME)
> export(MakeScenario)
> export(MakeSchedule)
> export(MakeTranche)
> export(ModelTune)
> export(Mortgage.Monthly.Payment)
> export(Mortgage.OAS)
> export(MortgageCashFlow)
> export(MortgageCashFlowArray)
> export(MortgageCashFlow_Array)
> export(MortgageRate)
> export(Mtg.Scenario)
> export(MtgRate)
> export(MtgTermStructure)
> export(PPC.Ramp)
> export(PassThroughOAS)
> export(PaymentDate)
> export(PrepaymentAssumption)
> export(RDMEData)
> export(RDMEFactor)
> export(REMICDeal)
> export(REMICGroupConn)
> export(REMICSchedules)
> export(REMICWaterFall)
> export(Rates)
> export(ReadRAID)
> export(Remain.Balance)
> export(RemicStructure)
> export(SMM.To.CPR)
> export(SMMVector.To.CPR)
> export(SaveCollGroup)
> export(SaveMBS)
> export(SaveModelTune)
> export(SaveRAID)
> export(SaveRDME)
> export(SaveREMIC)
> export(SaveScenario)
> export(SaveSchedules)
> export(SaveTranche)
> export(SaveTranches)
> export(ScenarioCall)
> export(Sched.Prin)
> export(SwapRateData)
> export(TermStructure)
> export(TimeValue)
> export(Tranches)
> export(ULTV)
> export(bondprice)
> exportClasses(AtomsAnalytics)
> exportClasses(AtomsData)
> exportClasses(AtomsScenario)
> exportClasses(BondCashFlows)
> exportClasses(BondDetails)
> exportClasses(BondTermStructure)
> exportClasses(MBSDetails)
> exportClasses(TermStructure)
> import(data.tree)
> import(methods)
> import(optimx)
> importFrom(lubridate,"%m+%")
> importFrom(lubridate,day)
> importFrom(lubridate,month)
> importFrom(lubridate,year)
> importFrom(lubridate,years)
> importFrom(termstrc,create_cashflows_matrix)
> importFrom(termstrc,create_maturities_matrix)
> importFrom(termstrc,estim_cs)
> importFrom(termstrc,estim_nss)
> importFrom(termstrc,forwardrates)
> importFrom(termstrc,spotrates)
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