[R-pkg-devel] Issue with vignette on win-builder

François Michonneau francois.michonneau at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 17:50:04 CET 2016

Hello all,

  On win-builder (both with R 3.2.3 and R-devel), I see this error at the
end of the check.log. Would anyone have any hint on what might be wrong and
possible ways of debugging? I obviously can't reproduce this on my Linux

  The vignette is built to HTML with knitr as the engine and contains calls
to an API. Previous versions of it were passing the R CMD check on
win-builder without this issue.

  -- François

* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... ERROR
Check process probably crashed or hung up for 20 minutes ... killed
Most likely this happened in the example checks (?),
if not, ignore the following last lines of example output:

======== End of example output (where/before crash/hang up occured ?) ========

	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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