[R-pkg-devel] found ... marked UTF-8 strings

Jan Wijffels jwijffels at bnosac.be
Tue Nov 10 16:57:41 CET 2015


I trying to fix all notes from R ​CMD check on a package.
The package contains a data.frame inside the data folder where character
vectors in the dataset are set with an UTF-8 encoding.
​R CMD check gives me.​

* checking data for non-ASCII characters ... NOTE  Note: found 1163
marked UTF-8 strings

I would like to keep the strings as correctly encoded as UTF-8 instead of
having to convert them to ASCII. Hence my questions:

Question 1: What can I do to make this NOTE disappear?
Now that http://win-builder.r-project.org/ with R-devel​ doesn't give me
the NOTE, while with R-release, I'm still getting the NOTE.
Question 2: Will the note disappear in the next release of R allowing to
have encoded character strings in a data.frame in the data folder?


Jan Wijffels
www.bnosac.be  | +32 486 611708

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