[R-pkg-devel] Diagnosing error on CRAN's old R, old Windows

Mark van der Loo mark.vanderloo at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 17:27:09 CEST 2015

I had the same problem recently. It was apparently a windows-only
oldrel-only problem (and a specific oldrel, I can't remember which one). I
opted to adjust the DESCRIPTION to depend on a higher R version. Main
reason was that I don't have access to the right type of Windows version to
test it locally and the winbuilder service only tests on the most recent
R-versions (current and R-devel).

These system-dependent problems pop up now and then, causing work on both
CRAN volunteer and developer side. Especially the work on the volunteer
side could/should be avoided. So here's a nudge-nudge wink-wink to the R
consortium to set up a builder service that fully emulates CRAN. It is
probably not trivial but I feel it would be of value. More ambitiously,
such a builder service could include (attempts to) build against other R
engines apart from the GNU implementation -- but I'm digressing.


Op do 8 okt. 2015 om 16:52 schreef Ben Bond-Lamberty <bpbond at gmail.com>:

> >Unfortunately the error diagnostics are not particularly helpful, only
> showing that four tests failed; the only common thread I see, maybe, is
> that all four tests--and no others--use R's file.size() function.
> Brief follow-up for completeness: it turns out that `file.size()`
> doesn't exist on Windows R 3.1.1 - instead need to use
> `file.info()$size`. So problem fixed, although I still don't know why
> no error message was appearing.
> B
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