[R-pkg-devel] "invalid 'envir' argument" note from R-devel

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 01:01:06 CEST 2015

It happened in r68597.  In my example, I hadn't imported the data()
function from utils; when I did that, it was fixed.

Not sure why the error is complaining about the envir argument.

Duncan Murdoch

On 13/07/2015 6:47 PM, John Fox wrote:
> Dear Duncan and Peter,
> I've just arrived at more or less the same thing:
> 	foo <- function() data(package="MASS")
> 	bar <- function() data(package="MASS", envir=.GlobalEnv)
> 	baz <- function() data(package="MASS", envir=globalenv())
> all trigger the note when included with the Rcmdr sources:
> 	* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
> 	bar: Error while checking: invalid 'envir' argument
> 	baz: Error while checking: invalid 'envir' argument
> 	foo: Error while checking: invalid 'envir' argument 
> The envir argument to data() defaults to .GlobaEnv .
> I hope this helps,
>  John
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Duncan Murdoch [mailto:murdoch.duncan at gmail.com]
>> Sent: July-13-15 6:32 PM
>> To: John Fox; 'peter dalgaard'
>> Cc: r-package-devel at r-project.org
>> Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] "invalid 'envir' argument" note from R-devel
>> On 13/07/2015 5:23 PM, John Fox wrote:
>>> Dear Peter,
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: peter dalgaard [mailto:pdalgd at gmail.com]
>>>> Sent: July-13-15 4:52 PM
>>>> To: John Fox
>>>> Cc: r-package-devel at r-project.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] "invalid 'envir' argument" note from R-
>> devel
>>>> Yes, there was a similar note from Alexandra Kuznetsova a couple of
>> days
>>> Sorry, I didn't notice that.
>>>> ago. Look unintentional, but it is not easy to spot what triggers it.
>> If
>>>> someone could cook up a minimal example, or - maybe easier given the
>>>> relatively short timeframe - bisect their way to the exact svn
>> revision
>>>> that triggered it, it might help in getting it fixed.
>>> I'm afraid that I'm not set up to build R-devel and I'm about to leave
>> town
>>> for three weeks. I'll see if I can produce a simpler example
>> triggering the
>>> error, however.
>> Hana Sevcikova posted a simple example.  I'll bisect on it.
>> Here's her example:
>> e <- new.env()
>> data("mydataset", envir=e)
>> I've substituted USArrests for "mydataset".
>> Duncan Murdoch
>>> Thanks for this,
>>>  John
>>>> -pd
>>>>> On 13 Jul 2015, at 22:31 , John Fox <jfox at mcmaster.ca> wrote:
>>>>> Dear list members,
>>>>> I'm getting a new note from R-devel that I haven't seen before when
>>>> checking
>>>>> the development version of the Rcmdr package:
>>>>> 	* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
>>>>> 	readDataFromPackage: Error while checking: invalid 'envir' argument
>>>>> This note doesn't appear in R 3.2.1.
>>>>> My session info:
>>>>> -------- snip ----------
>>>>> R Under development (unstable) (2015-07-12 r68650)
>>>>> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
>>>>> Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
>>>>> locale:
>>>>> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252
>>>>> LC_MONETARY=English_Canada.1252
>>>>> [4] LC_NUMERIC=C                    LC_TIME=English_Canada.1252
>>>>> attached base packages:
>>>>> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
>>>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>>>> [1] tools_3.3.0
>>>>> -------- snip ----------
>>>>> I can't even localize the problem in readDataFromPackage(). There
>> are
>>>> only
>>>>> two places in this function where there's a function call with an
>>>> envir
>>>>> argument, and I still get the note if I comment these out. As well,
>>>>> readDataFromPackage() seems to work as intended -- there is no
>> obvious
>>>> error
>>>>> in it.
>>>>> FWIW, here's readDataFromPackage(). The complete sources for the
>>>> development
>>>>> version of the Rcmdr package are on R-Forge.
>>>>> -------- snip ----------
>>>>> readDataFromPackage <- function() {
>>>>> 	env <- environment()
>>>>> 	datasets <- NULL
>>>>> 	initializeDialog(title=gettextRcmdr("Read Data From Package"))
>>>>> 	dsname <- tclVar("")
>>>>> 	package <- NULL
>>>>> 	enterFrame <- tkframe(top)
>>>>> 	entryDsname <- ttkentry(enterFrame, width="20",
>>>> textvariable=dsname)
>>>>> 	packages <- sort(.packages())
>>>>> 	packages <- packages[! packages %in% c("base", "stats")]
>>>>> 	packages <- packages[sapply(packages, function(package){
>>>>> 						ds <-
>>>>> data(package=package)$results
>>>>> 						if (nrow(ds) == 0)
>>>>> return(FALSE)
>>>>> 						ds <- ds[, "Item"]
>>>>> 						valid <- sapply(ds,
>>>>> is.valid.name)
>>>>> 						length(ds[valid]) > 0
>>>>> 					})]
>>>>> 	packageDatasetFrame <- tkframe(top)
>>>>> 	packageFrame <- tkframe(packageDatasetFrame)
>>>>> 	max.height <- getRcmdr("variable.list.height")
>>>>> 	packageBox <- tklistbox(packageFrame, height=min(max.height,
>>>>> length(packages)),
>>>>>            exportselection="FALSE",
>>>>> 			selectmode="single", background="white")
>>>>> 	packageScroll <- ttkscrollbar(packageFrame,
>>>>> 			command=function(...) tkyview(packageBox, ...))
>>>>> 	tkconfigure(packageBox, yscrollcommand=function(...)
>>>>> tkset(packageScroll, ...))
>>>>> 	for (p in packages) tkinsert(packageBox, "end", p)
>>>>> 	datasetFrame <- tkframe(packageDatasetFrame)
>>>>> 	datasetBox <- tklistbox(datasetFrame, height=max.height,
>>>>> exportselection="FALSE",
>>>>> 			selectmode="single", background="white")
>>>>> 	datasetScroll <- ttkscrollbar(datasetFrame,
>>>>> 			command=function(...) tkyview(datasetBox, ...))
>>>>> 	tkconfigure(datasetBox, yscrollcommand=function(...)
>>>>> tkset(datasetScroll, ...))
>>>>> 	onPackageSelect <- function(){
>>>>> 		assign("package",
>>>>> packages[as.numeric(tkcurselection(packageBox)) + 1], envir=env)
>>>>> 		datasets <<- data(package=package)$results[,3]
>>>>> 		valid <- sapply(datasets, is.valid.name)
>>>>> 		datasets <<- datasets[valid]
>>>>> 		tkdelete(datasetBox, "0", "end")
>>>>> 		for (dataset in datasets) tkinsert(datasetBox, "end",
>>>>> dataset)
>>>>> 		tkconfigure(datasetBox, height=min(max.height,
>>>>> length(datasets)))
>>>>> 		firstChar <- tolower(substr(datasets, 1, 1))
>>>>> 		len <- length(datasets)
>>>>> 		onLetter <- function(letter){
>>>>> 			letter <- tolower(letter)
>>>>> 			current <- 1 +
>>>>> round(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(tclvalue(tkyview(datasetBox) ), "
>>>>> "))[1])*len)
>>>>> 			mat <- match(letter, firstChar[-(1:current)])
>>>>> 			if (is.na(mat)) return()
>>>>> 			tkyview.scroll(datasetBox, mat, "units")
>>>>> 		}
>>>>> 		onA <- function() onLetter("a")
>>>>> 		onB <- function() onLetter("b")
>>>>> 		onC <- function() onLetter("c")
>>>>> 		onD <- function() onLetter("d")
>>>>> 		onE <- function() onLetter("e")
>>>>> 		onF <- function() onLetter("f")
>>>>> 		onG <- function() onLetter("g")
>>>>> 		onH <- function() onLetter("h")
>>>>> 		onI <- function() onLetter("i")
>>>>> 		onJ <- function() onLetter("j")
>>>>> 		onK <- function() onLetter("k")
>>>>> 		onL <- function() onLetter("l")
>>>>> 		onM <- function() onLetter("m")
>>>>> 		onN <- function() onLetter("n")
>>>>> 		onO <- function() onLetter("o")
>>>>> 		onP <- function() onLetter("p")
>>>>> 		onQ <- function() onLetter("q")
>>>>> 		onR <- function() onLetter("r")
>>>>> 		onS <- function() onLetter("s")
>>>>> 		onT <- function() onLetter("t")
>>>>> 		onU <- function() onLetter("u")
>>>>> 		onV <- function() onLetter("v")
>>>>> 		onW <- function() onLetter("w")
>>>>> 		onX <- function() onLetter("x")
>>>>> 		onY <- function() onLetter("y")
>>>>> 		onZ <- function() onLetter("z")
>>>>> 		for (letter in c(letters, LETTERS)){
>>>>> 			tkbind(datasetBox, paste("<", letter, ">", sep=""),
>>>>> 					get(paste("on", toupper(letter),
>>>>> sep="")))
>>>>> 		}
>>>>> 		onClick <- function() tkfocus(datasetBox)
>>>>> 		tkbind(datasetBox, "<ButtonPress-1>", onClick)
>>>>> 	}
>>>>> 	onDatasetSelect <- function(){
>>>>> 		tclvalue(dsname) <-
>>>>> datasets[as.numeric(tkcurselection(datasetBox)) + 1]
>>>>> 	}
>>>>> 	firstChar <- tolower(substr(packages, 1, 1))
>>>>> 	len <- length(packages)
>>>>> 	onLetter <- function(letter){
>>>>> 		letter <- tolower(letter)
>>>>> 		current <- 1 +
>>>>> round(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(tclvalue(tkyview(packageBox) ), "
>>>>> "))[1])*len)
>>>>> 		mat <- match(letter, firstChar[-(1:current)])
>>>>> 		if (is.na(mat)) return()
>>>>> 		tkyview.scroll(packageBox, mat, "units")
>>>>> 	}
>>>>> 	onA <- function() onLetter("a")
>>>>> 	onB <- function() onLetter("b")
>>>>> 	onC <- function() onLetter("c")
>>>>> 	onD <- function() onLetter("d")
>>>>> 	onE <- function() onLetter("e")
>>>>> 	onF <- function() onLetter("f")
>>>>> 	onG <- function() onLetter("g")
>>>>> 	onH <- function() onLetter("h")
>>>>> 	onI <- function() onLetter("i")
>>>>> 	onJ <- function() onLetter("j")
>>>>> 	onK <- function() onLetter("k")
>>>>> 	onL <- function() onLetter("l")
>>>>> 	onM <- function() onLetter("m")
>>>>> 	onN <- function() onLetter("n")
>>>>> 	onO <- function() onLetter("o")
>>>>> 	onP <- function() onLetter("p")
>>>>> 	onQ <- function() onLetter("q")
>>>>> 	onR <- function() onLetter("r")
>>>>> 	onS <- function() onLetter("s")
>>>>> 	onT <- function() onLetter("t")
>>>>> 	onU <- function() onLetter("u")
>>>>> 	onV <- function() onLetter("v")
>>>>> 	onW <- function() onLetter("w")
>>>>> 	onX <- function() onLetter("x")
>>>>> 	onY <- function() onLetter("y")
>>>>> 	onZ <- function() onLetter("z")
>>>>> 	for (letter in c(letters, LETTERS)){
>>>>> 		tkbind(packageBox, paste("<", letter, ">", sep=""),
>>>>> 				get(paste("on", toupper(letter), sep="")))
>>>>> 	}
>>>>> 	onClick <- function() tkfocus(packageBox)
>>>>> 	tkbind(packageBox, "<ButtonPress-1>", onClick)
>>>>> 	onOK <- function(){
>>>>> 		datasetName <-
>>>>> datasets[as.numeric(tkcurselection(datasetBox)) + 1]
>>>>> 		dsnameValue <- tclvalue(dsname)
>>>>> 		if (dsnameValue != "" && is.null(package)){
>>>>> 			closeDialog()
>>>>> 			if (is.element(dsnameValue, listDataSets())) {
>>>>> 				if ("no" ==
>>>>> tclvalue(checkReplace(dsnameValue, gettextRcmdr("Data set")))){
>>>>> 					if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top)
>>>>> 					tkdestroy(top)
>>>>> 					readDataFromPackage()
>>>>> 					return()
>>>>> 				}
>>>>> 			}
>>>>> 			save.options <- options(warn=2)
>>>>> 			check <- try(eval(parse(text=logger(paste("data(",
>>>>> dsnameValue, ")", sep=""))),
>>>>> 							envir=.GlobalEnv),
>>>>> silent=TRUE)
>>>>> 			options(save.options)
>>>>> 			if (class(check) == "try-error"){
>>>>> 				errorCondition(recall=readDataFromPackage,
>>>>> message=sprintf(gettextRcmdr("Data set %s does not exit"),
>>>> dsnameValue))
>>>>> 				return()
>>>>> 			}
>>>>> 			activeDataSet(dsnameValue)
>>>>> 			tkfocus(CommanderWindow())
>>>>> 		}
>>>>> 		else{
>>>>> 			if (is.null(package)) {
>>>>> 				errorCondition(recall=readDataFromPackage,
>>>>> message=gettextRcmdr("You must select a package."))
>>>>> 				return()
>>>>> 			}
>>>>> 			if (length(datasetName) == 0) {
>>>>> 				errorCondition(recall=readDataFromPackage,
>>>>> message=gettextRcmdr("You must select a data set.")    )
>>>>> 				return()
>>>>> 			}
>>>>> 			if (is.element(datasetName, listDataSets())) {
>>>>> 				if ("no" ==
>>>>> tclvalue(checkReplace(datasetName, gettextRcmdr("Data set")))){
>>>>> 					if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top)
>>>>> 					tkdestroy(top)
>>>>> 					readDataFromPackage()
>>>>> 					return()
>>>>> 				}
>>>>> 			}
>>>>> 			closeDialog()
>>>>> 			command <- paste("data(", datasetName, ',
>>>>> package="', package, '")', sep="")
>>>>> 			result <- justDoIt(command)
>>>>> 			logger(command)
>>>>> 			if (class(result)[1] !=  "try-error")
>>>>> activeDataSet(datasetName)
>>>>> 			tkfocus(CommanderWindow())
>>>>> 		}
>>>>> 	}
>>>>> 	onDataHelp <- function(){
>>>>>    datasetName <- datasets[as.numeric(tkcurselection(datasetBox)) +
>> 1]
>>>>> 		dsnameValue <- tclvalue(dsname)
>>>>> 		if (dsnameValue == "") dsnameValue <- datasetName
>>>>> 		if (length(dsnameValue) == 0) Message(gettextRcmdr("No data
>>>>> set selected."), type="warning")
>>>>> 		else if (is.null(package)) doItAndPrint(paste('help("',
>>>>> dsnameValue, '")', sep=""))
>>>>> 		else doItAndPrint(paste('help("', dsnameValue, '",
>>>>> package="', package, '")', sep=""))
>>>>> 	}
>>>>> 	OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="data")
>>>>> 	dataHelpButton <- buttonRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Help on
>>>>> selected data set"), command=onDataHelp)
>>>>> 	tkgrid(labelRcmdr(packageDatasetFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Package
>>>>> (Double-click to select)"), fg=getRcmdr("title.color"),
>>>>> font="RcmdrTitleFont"),
>>>>> 			labelRcmdr(packageDatasetFrame, text="   "),
>>>>> labelRcmdr(packageDatasetFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Data set (Double-
>>>> click to
>>>>> select)"),
>>>>> 					fg=getRcmdr("title.color"),
>>>>> font="RcmdrTitleFont"), sticky="w")
>>>>> 	tkgrid(packageBox, packageScroll, sticky="nw")
>>>>> 	tkgrid(datasetBox, datasetScroll, sticky="nw")
>>>>> 	tkgrid(packageFrame, labelRcmdr(packageDatasetFrame, text="   "),
>>>>> datasetFrame, sticky="nw")
>>>>> 	tkgrid(packageDatasetFrame, sticky="w")
>>>>> 	tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("OR"), fg="red"),
>>>>> sticky="w")
>>>>> 	tkgrid(labelRcmdr(enterFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Enter name of data
>>>>> set:  "), fg=getRcmdr("title.color"), font="RcmdrTitleFont"),
>>>> entryDsname,
>>>>> sticky="w")
>>>>> 	tkgrid(enterFrame, sticky="w")
>>>>> 	tkgrid(dataHelpButton, sticky="w")
>>>>> 	tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="ew")
>>>>> 	tkgrid.configure(packageScroll, sticky="ns")
>>>>> 	tkgrid.configure(datasetScroll, sticky="ns")
>>>>> 	tkbind(packageBox, "<Double-ButtonPress-1>", onPackageSelect)
>>>>> 	tkbind(datasetBox, "<Double-ButtonPress-1>", onDatasetSelect)
>>>>> 	dialogSuffix(focus=entryDsname)
>>>>> }
>>>>> -------- snip ----------
>>>>> Any insight into the problem would be appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> John
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>>>> John Fox, Professor
>>>>> McMaster University
>>>>> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
>>>>> http://socserv.socsci.mcmaster.ca/jfox/
>>>>> ---
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>>>>> ______________________________________________
>>>>> R-package-devel at r-project.org mailing list
>>>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-package-devel
>>>> --
>>>> Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
>>>> Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
>>>> Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
>>>> Phone: (+45)38153501
>>>> Email: pd.mes at cbs.dk  Priv: PDalgd at gmail.com
>>> ---
>>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>>> https://www.avast.com/antivirus
>>> ______________________________________________
>>> R-package-devel at r-project.org mailing list
>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-package-devel
> ---
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