library(quantmod) library(timeSeries) library(rugarch) data = read.csv("EURJPY.m1440.csv", header=T) names(data) returns = diff(log(data$C)) window.length=1500 forecasts.length=length(returns)-window.length forecasts <- vector(mode="character", length=forecasts.length) directions <- vector(mode="character", length=forecasts.length) p.val <- vector(mode="character", length=forecasts.length) # loop through every trading day, estimate optimal model parameters from rolling window # and predict next day's return for (i in 0:forecasts.length) { roll.returns <- returns[(1+i):(window.length + i)] # create rolling window final.aic <- Inf final.order <- c(0,0,0) # estimate optimal ARIMA model order for (p in 0:5) for (q in 0:5) { # limit possible order to p,q <= 5 if (p == 0 && q == 0) next # p and q can't both be zero arimaFit <- tryCatch( arima(roll.returns, order = c(p,0,q)), error = function( err ) FALSE, warning = function( err ) FALSE ) if (!is.logical( arimaFit)) { current.aic <- AIC(arimaFit) if (current.aic < final.aic) { # retain order if AIC is reduced final.aic <- current.aic final.order <- c(p,0,q) final.arima <- arima(roll.returns, order = final.order) } } else next } # specify and fit the GARCH model spec = ugarchspec(variance.model <- list(model = "sGARCH",garchOrder=c(1,1)), mean.model <- list( armaOrder <- c(final.order[1], final.order[3]), arfima = FALSE, include.mean = TRUE), distribution.model = "sged") fit = tryCatch(ugarchfit(spec, roll.returns, solver = 'hybrid'), error = function(e) e, warning = function(w) w) # calculate next day prediction from fitted mode # model does not always converge - assign value of 0 to prediction and p.val in this case if (is(fit, "warning")) { forecasts[i+1] <- 0 print(0) p.val[i+1] <- 0 } else { = ugarchforecast(fit, n.ahead = 1) x =$seriesFor directions[i+1] <- ifelse(x[1] > 0, 1, -1) # directional prediction only forecasts[i+1] <- x[1] # actual value of forecast print(forecasts[i]) # analysis of residuals resid <- as.numeric(residuals(fit, standardize = TRUE)) <- Box.test(resid, lag = 20, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf = 0) p.val[i+1] <-$p.value } } dates <- data[, 1] forecasts.ts <- xts(forecasts, dates[(window.length):length(returns)]) # create lagged series of forecasts and sign of forecast ag.forecasts <- Lag(forecasts.ts, 1) ag.direction <- ifelse(ag.forecasts > 0, 1, ifelse(ag.forecasts < 0, -1, 0)) # Create the ARIMA/GARCH returns for the directional system ag.direction.returns <- ag.direction * returns[(window.length):length(returns)] ag.direction.returns[1] <- 0 # remove NA # Create the backtests for ARIMA/GARCH and Buy & Hold ag.curve <- log( cumprod( 1 + ag.direction.returns) ) buy.hold.ts <- xts(returns[(window.length):length(returns)], dates[(window.length):length(returns)]) buy.hold.curve <- log(cumprod(1 + buy.hold.ts)) both.curves <- cbind(ag.curve, buy.hold.curve) names(both.curves) <- c("Strategy returns", "Buy and hold returns") # plot both curves together myColors <- c( "darkorange", "blue") plot(x = both.curves[,"Strategy returns"], xlab = "Time", ylab = "Cumulative Return", main = "Cumulative Returns", ylim = c(-0.25, 0.4), major.ticks= "quarters", minor.ticks = FALSE, col = "darkorange") lines(x = both.curves[,"Buy and hold returns"], col = "blue") legend(x = 'bottomleft', legend = c("Strategy", "B&H"), lty = 1, col = myColors)