every time I read the R release notes for the next release, I see many functions that I had forgotten about and many functions that I never knew existed to begin with. (who knew there were bibtex facilities in R? obviously, everyone except me.) I wonder whether there is a complete list of all R commands (incl the standard packages) somewhere, preferably each with its one-liner AND categorization(s). the one-liner can be generated from the documentation. I am thinking one categorization for function area (e.g., "programming related" for, say, deparse; and "statistical model related" for lm; and another categorization for importance (e.g., like "common" for lm and "obscure" for ..). Such categorizations require intelligence. if I am going to do this for myself, I think a csv spreadsheet may be a good idea to make it easy to resort by keys. regards, /iaw ---- Ivo Welch (ivo.welch@gmail.com) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]