Dear useRs, i was wondering that if its possible in R to automatically generate plots and get it saved at the desired location? i have data of cancer patients, from about 1000 cities around the world. i have converted that data into a list (called tcp) and that list has 1000 sublists. the sublists are named, according to the city name. the orientation of the sublists are as follow $ Tokyo month 2009 2010 2011 1 515 356 121 2 444 145 120 3 478 147 124 4 147 236 124 5 785 142 125 6 478 111 478 7 478 856 785 8 147 786 456 9 147 122 123 10 786 123 147 11 123 787 258 12 110 898 369 $ Nagoya month 1955 1956 1964 1 512 444 771 2 441 145 470 3 445 156 474 4 145 236 784 5 785 147 445 6 447 178 988 7 478 980 885 8 189 886 786 9 145 722 183 10 756 123 167 11 145 127 248 12 110 128 259 what i wanted to do is the following 1- drawing curve of each column in the sublist against the first column of each sublist(month vs patients). 2- drawing average curve of each city over the yearly curves. (for example, for tokyo, overlay average curve of 2009,2010 and 2011 on already generated 3 curves). 3-saving the resulting diagram on a suitable location in my pc. i used the following commands for these three operations >jpeg("C:/world survey/ Tokyo.jpg") >matplot(tcp$ Tokyo[,-1], type = "l", col="grey", xlab="TIME(month)", ylab="patients") >apply(Tokyo,1,mean) >data.frame(Tokyo) >avgTokyo<-as.matrix(Tokyo, ncol=1) >lines(avgTokyo, lwd = 2) As as you can see that i have 1000 cities to work on, isnt there any other suitable way of doing that?? i am interested in knowing about "function" command. because when i used the following command >lapply(seq_along(tcp), function(i) matplot(tcp[[i]][,1],tcp[[i]][,-1], type="l",col="grey")) i did plot every city' diagram but didnt save it anywhere. Could you please guide me how to plot and save simultaneously all the firgure in one go? thanks in advance eliza