Hi people, I'm looking at the influence of sample size on a dataset, so I randomly sampled from the data with different sample sizes multiple times using the "sample" and "replicate" function. For example: /replicate(1000, sample("variable name", "sample size", replace=T))/. I saved the data, and now I have 1000 replicates of data of various sample sizes (2-33 in my case). If you can picture that one (of 1000) iteration is a line of mean values of the variable for each sample size, i.e. the sample size (2-33) is on the x-axis and the average variable value (number of trees, dogs, cats, whatever) is on the y-axis. This means I have 1000 replicates of a line. *I'm looking to find the average line from several lines *(1000 lines in my case). Does anybody know how to do this in R? There was a topic on this using the function "approx", but I don't have missing data and my data is on the same scale range. Thanks for your time, Greg [[alternative HTML version deleted]]