Dear R helpers Suppose following is an output due to some R process. I wish to save it as a table in 'temp.db' df <- data.frame(x = c(5, 4, 3, 11), y = c(25, 16, 9, 121))     library(RSQLite)     write('** Initializing','')     drv <- dbDriver("SQLite", shared.cache = TRUE)     con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "temp.db", loadable.extensions=TRUE)     on.exit(dbUnloadDriver(drv))     on.exit(dbDisconnect(con)) write('** Save output', '')  dbBeginTransaction(con)  dbGetPreparedQuery(con, "INSERT INTO output(df) VALUES (?)", data.frame(output))  dbCommit(con)     >  dbGetPreparedQuery(con,                         "INSERT INTO output(df) VALUES (?)",                          data.frame(output)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I get following message Error in dbGetPreparedQuery(con, "INSERT INTO output(df) VALUES (?)",  :   error in evaluating the argument '' in selecting a method for function 'dbGetPreparedQuery'   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]