> my_data<-read.csv(file.choose(),header=T,dec=".",sep=";") > attach(my_data) > names(my_data) [1] "Site" "Obstacle" "Treatment" "Dist_Obstacle" "Dist_start" "Transect" "Mainplot" "Obsplot" "Species1" "Species2" "Species3" [12] "Species4" "Species5" "Species6" "Species7" "Species8" "Species9" "Species10" "Species11" "Species12" "Species13" "Species14" [23] "Species15" "Species16" "Species_change" "channge_index" "Waterdata" "litter" "bare.soil" > aov_data<-aov(Species1~Site+Obstacle+Treatment+as.factor(Dist_Obstacle)+as.factor(Dist_start)+Transect+Mainplot+Obsplot) > aov_data Call: aov(formula = Species1 ~ Site + Obstacle + Treatment + as.factor(Dist_Obstacle) + as.factor(Dist_start) + Transect + Mainplot + Obsplot) Terms: Site Obstacle Treatment as.factor(Dist_Obstacle) as.factor(Dist_start) Transect Obsplot Residuals Sum of Squares 2143.984 446.274 340.042 736.073 173.707 800.270 4014.378 17238.625 Deg. of Freedom 2 1 1 4 3 10 60 271 Residual standard error: 7.97566 27 out of 109 effects not estimable Estimated effects may be unbalanced