nlminb <- function (start, objective, gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL, ..., scale = 1, control = list(), lower = -Inf, upper = Inf) { par <- as.double(start) names(par) <- names(start) n <- length(par) iv <- integer(78 + 3 * n) v <- double(130 + (n * (n + 27))/2) .Call(R_port_ivset, 2, iv, v) # patch by Ravi Varadhan control$abs.tol <- 0 # if (length(control)) { nms <- names(control) if (!is.list(control) || is.null(nms)) stop("control argument must be a named list") cpos <- c(eval.max = 17, iter.max = 18, trace = 19, abs.tol = 31, rel.tol = 32, x.tol = 33, step.min = 34, step.max = 35, scale.init = 38, sing.tol = 37, diff.g = 42) pos <- pmatch(nms, names(cpos)) if (any(nap <- { warning(paste("unrecognized control element(s) named `", paste(nms[nap], collapse = ", "), "' ignored", sep = "")) pos <- pos[!nap] control <- control[!nap] } ivpars <- pos < 4 if (any(ivpars)) iv[cpos[pos[ivpars]]] <- as.integer(unlist(control[ivpars])) if (any(!ivpars)) v[cpos[pos[!ivpars]]] <- as.double(unlist(control[!ivpars])) } obj <- quote(objective(.par, ...)) rho <- new.env(parent = environment()) assign(".par", par, envir = rho) grad <- hess <- low <- upp <- NULL if (!is.null(gradient)) { grad <- quote(gradient(.par, ...)) if (!is.null(hessian)) { if (is.logical(hessian)) stop("Logical `hessian' argument not allowed. See documentation.") hess <- quote(hessian(.par, ...)) } } if (any(lower != -Inf) || any(upper != Inf)) { low <- rep(as.double(lower), length.out = length(par)) upp <- rep(as.double(upper), length.out = length(par)) } else low <- upp <- numeric(0L) .Call(R_port_nlminb, obj, grad, hess, rho, low, upp, d = rep(as.double(scale), length.out = length(par)), iv, v) ans <- list(par = get(".par", envir = rho)) ans$objective <- v[10L] ans$convergence <- as.integer(if (iv[1] %in% 3L:6L) 0L else 1L) ans$message <- if (19 <= iv[1] && iv[1] <= 43) { if (any(B <- iv[1] == cpos)) sprintf("'control' component '%s' = %g, is out of range", names(cpos)[B], v[iv[1]]) else sprintf("V[IV[1]] = V[%d] = %g is out of range (see PORT docu.)", iv[1], v[iv[1]]) } else switch(as.character(iv[1]), `3` = "X-convergence (3)", `4` = "relative convergence (4)", `5` = "both X-convergence and relative convergence (5)", `6` = "absolute function convergence (6)", `7` = "singular convergence (7)", `8` = "false convergence (8)", `9` = "function evaluation limit reached without convergence (9)", `10` = "iteration limit reached without convergence (9)", `14` = "storage has been allocated (?) (14)", `15` = "LIV too small (15)", `16` = "LV too small (16)", `63` = "fn cannot be computed at initial par (63)", `65` = "gr cannot be computed at initial par (65)") if (is.null(ans$message)) ans$message <- paste("See PORT documentation. Code (", iv[1], ")", sep = "") ans$iterations <- iv[31] ans$evaluations <- c(`function` = iv[6], gradient = iv[30]) ans }