R-users E-mail: r-help@r-project.org Hi! >I interprete this as following: the simplest tree with xerror under >min(xerror) + its own xstd >Neverthless, in some article I read the following rule: >the simplest tree with xerror under min(xerror) + xstd corresponding to the >min(xerror) >Is this a mistake or any variant of 1-SE rule ? Please refer to page 80 of Classification and Regression Trees by Leo Breiman, Jerome Friedman, Charles J. Stone, and R.A. Olshen. It says the simplest tree with xerror under min(xerror) + xstd corresponding to the min(xerror). although the difference of the two definition is not so large in most cases. -- ***** r.otasuke@gmail.com ***** http://cse.naro.affrc.go.jp/takezawa/intro.html [[alternative HTML version deleted]]