AutoGRAPH analysis in a flat-file format ( CS(O) locations, size, breakpoints...): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference Chromosome vs Dataset 3 --------------------------------- CS(O) id (number of marker/anchor) Location(s) on reference CS(O) size CS(O) density on reference chromosome Location(s) on tested Breakpoints CS(O) locations (denstiy of marker/anchor) CS 1 (27): cfa1: [ 3251712 - 12398289 ] 9146577 3 mmu18: [ 24330828 - 90644456 ] ] 12398289, 13347136 [(2 ) CS 2 (19): cfa1: [ 13347136 - 18193820 ] 4846684 4 mmu1: [ 113688560 - 106596368 ] ] 18193820, 19140840 [(3 ) CSO 3.1 (18): cfa1: [ 19140840 - 22178912 ] 3038072 6 mmu18: [ 66984412 - 63788168 ]- Decreasing order - ] 22178912, 23188292 [ (2 ) CSO 3.2 (4): cfa1: [ 23188292 - 24126920 ] 938628 4 mmu18: [ 69469888 - 70578512 ]- Increasing order - ] 24126920, 24190392 [(8 ) CS 4 (2): cfa1: [ 24190392 - 24265894 ] 75502 26 mmu18: [ 70634048 - 70693560 ] ] 24265894, 24823786 [(7 ) CSO 5.1 (6): cfa1: [ 24823786 - 27113036 ] 2289250 3 mmu18: [ 71384360 - 73984760 ]- Increasing order - ] 27113036, 27418228 [ (13 ) CSO 5.2 (4): cfa1: [ 27418228 - 27578150 ] 159922 25 mmu18: [ 68532272 - 68058624 ]- Decreasing order - ] 27578150, 28055666 [(9 ) CS 6 (77): cfa1: [ 28055666 - 47327576 ] 19271910 4 mmu10: [ 24284924 - 3134304 ] ] 47327576, 47940412 [(5 ) CSO 7.1 (15): cfa1: [ 47940412 - 51570228 ] 3629816 4 mmu17: [ 3283055 - 7577392 ]- Increasing order - ] 51570228, 51988448 [ (11 ) CSO 7.2 (16): cfa1: [ 51988448 - 57900888 ] 5912440 3 mmu17: [ 12850771 - 8003706 ]- Decreasing order - ] 57900888, 58482632 [ (11 ) CSO 7.3 (5): cfa1: [ 58482632 - 59714992 ] 1232360 4 mmu17: [ 13497139 - 14565909 ]- Increasing order - ] 59714992, 59864308 [(15 ) CSO 8.1 (8): cfa1: [ 59864308 - 60129744 ] 265436 30 mmu10: [ 33840808 - 33608556 ]- Decreasing order - ] 60129744, 60211840 [ (17 ) CSO 8.2 (21): cfa1: [ 60211840 - 65147456 ] 4935616 4 mmu10: [ 51273836 - 57483016 ]- Increasing order - ] 65147456, 65273344 [ (7 ) CSO 8.3 (21): cfa1: [ 65273344 - 72417520 ] 7144176 3 mmu10: [ 33201750 - 24858506 ]- Decreasing order - ] 72417520, 73256040 [(7 ) CS 9 (24): cfa1: [ 73256040 - 78879792 ] 5623752 4 mmu13: [ 64301608 - 58167304 ] ] 78879792, 79088752 [(10 ) CS 10 (3): cfa1: [ 79088752 - 80616144 ] 1527392 2 mmu4: [ 73484664 - 71603504 ] ] 80616144, 82195232 [(2 ) CS 11 (58): cfa1: [ 82195232 - 96913624 ] 14718392 4 mmu19: [ 14515091 - 29676192 ] ] 96913624, 97163832 [(8 ) CS 12 (10): cfa1: [ 97163832 - 99948816 ] 2784984 4 mmu13: [ 53424904 - 51664268 ] ] 99948816, 100087840 [(9 ) CSO 13.1 (4): cfa1: [ 100087840 - 100423328 ] 335488 12 mmu13: [ 51443540 - 51113392 ]- Decreasing order - ] 100423328, 101013264 [ (11 ) CSO 13.2 (17): cfa1: [ 101013264 - 102120080 ] 1106816 15 mmu13: [ 48589808 - 49694080 ]- Increasing order - ] 102271920, 102458192 [(25 ) CSO 14.1 (10): cfa1: [ 102458192 - 104863664 ] 2405472 4 mmu7: [ 11943329 - 5734576 ]- Decreasing order - ] 104863664, 105135376 [ (35 ) CSO 14.2 (37): cfa1: [ 105135376 - 106177648 ] 1042272 35 mmu7: [ 4683380 - 3212900 ]- Decreasing order - ] 106177648, 108473048 [(12 ) CSO 15.1 (89): cfa1: [ 108473048 - 110798176 ] 2325128 38 mmu7: [ 43298008 - 45792284 ]- Increasing order - ] 110798176, 110969024 [ (37 ) CSO 15.2 (94): cfa1: [ 110969024 - 114574736 ] 3605712 26 mmu7: [ 12159146 - 24376768 ]- Increasing order - ] 114574736, 114862176 [ (35 ) CSO 15.3 (18): cfa1: [ 114862176 - 115343008 ] 480832 37 mmu7: [ 25108812 - 24578816 ]- Decreasing order - ] 115343008, 115476528 [ (36 ) CSO 15.4 (137): cfa1: [ 115476528 - 124798800 ] 9322272 15 mmu7: [ 25328194 - 40672432 ]- Increasing order - ] 124798800, Telomere [(-NA-) Reference Chromosome vs Dataset 2 --------------------------------- CS(O) id (number of marker/anchor) Location(s) on reference CS(O) size CS(O) density on reference chromosome Location(s) on tested Breakpoints CS(O) locations (denstiy of marker/anchor) CS 1 (71): cfa1: [ 3251712 - 24265894 ] 21014182 3 hsa18: [ 132170848 - 49934572 ] ] 24265894, 24823786 [(7 ) CSO 2.1 (6): cfa1: [ 24823786 - 27113036 ] 2289250 3 hsa18: [ 48121156 - 46579500 ]- Decreasing order - ] 27113036, 27418228 [ (13 ) CSO 2.2 (4): cfa1: [ 27418228 - 27578150 ] 159922 25 hsa18: [ 13872043 - 13208795 ]- Decreasing order - ] 27578150, 28055666 [(9 ) CSO 3.1 (113): cfa1: [ 28055666 - 59714992 ] 31659326 4 hsa6: [ 132311008 - 169714432 ]- Increasing order - ] 59714992, 59864308 [ (15 ) CSO 3.2 (50): cfa1: [ 59864308 - 72417520 ] 12553212 4 hsa6: [ 116707976 - 131508152 ]- Increasing order - ] 72417520, 73256040 [(7 ) CSO 4.1 (12): cfa1: [ 73256040 - 75192808 ] 1936768 6 hsa9: [ 98441680 - 96360824 ]- Decreasing order - ] 75192808, 75336136 [ (6 ) CSO 4.2 (51): cfa1: [ 75336136 - 91881664 ] 16545528 3 hsa9: [ 89301960 - 70341312 ]- Decreasing order - ] 91881664, 92281272 [ (5 ) CSO 4.3 (22): cfa1: [ 92281272 - 96913624 ] 4632352 5 hsa9: [ 261625 - 5755076 ]- Increasing order - ] 96913624, 98067040 [ (5 ) CSO 4.4 (15): cfa1: [ 98067040 - 100692560 ] 2625520 6 hsa9: [ 93833248 - 89771184 ]- Decreasing order - ] 100692560, 101013264 [ (13 ) CSO 4.5 (17): cfa1: [ 101013264 - 102120080 ] 1106816 15 hsa9: [ 95832896 - 94012312 ]- Decreasing order - ] 102271920, 102458192 [(25 ) CS 5 (40): cfa1: [ 102458192 - 105936824 ] 3478632 11 hsa19: [ 63765096 - 59618416 ] ] 105936824, 106097392 [(35 ) CSO 6.1 (7): cfa1: [ 106097392 - 106177648 ] 80256 87 hsa19: [ 59386008 - 59289816 ]- Decreasing order - ] 106177648, 108260368 [ (11 ) CSO 6.2 (60): cfa1: [ 108260368 - 110263696 ] 2003328 30 hsa19: [ 56908176 - 54256216 ]- Decreasing order - ] 110263696, 110288752 [ (60 ) CSO 6.3 (71): cfa1: [ 110288752 - 112727048 ] 2438296 29 hsa19: [ 54163196 - 50959884 ]- Decreasing order - ] 112727048, 112775144 [(40 ) CS 7 (185): cfa1: [ 112775144 - 121690672 ] 8915528 21 hsa19: [ 50887772 - 38556448 ] ] 121690672, 121820640 [(16 ) CS 8 (20): cfa1: [ 121820640 - 124798800 ] 2978160 7 hsa19: [ 38391408 - 34709332 ] ] 124798800, Telomere [(-NA-)