Dear R ussers, My question is, " How can my mean be outside the confidence intervals ?!" I think i have the answer for it, but i would like to hear some other ideas on it. First my data is not continuose but categorical, it is a titre calculated on a dilution serie. It is stored as a column of values, and a column indicating the phase of the trail. Theoreticaly it is possible to have a value ranging from 0 to 4, but in practice, only sertain values will occure, and they will repeat. So it are frequencies. This is why i belief that it is better to work with a median than with a mean, because it represents the cluster of values wich occure most. Below I only give one example, but the mean being below the lowest confidence limit occures several times over different tests. does my answer seam reasonable, or should i perhapes use an other methode, any sugestion? summary_1d = summary(subset(eda_data, phase=='1' & test=='test 1' ,select=lg_value), na.rm = T) conf_1d = boxplot.stats(subset(eda_data, phase=='1' & test=='test 1' ,select=lg_value)) Mean Median 95% Confidence Int. StDev. Variance 1.198 1.681 1.441 > < 1.922 0.931 0.866 Kind regards, Tom W. Disclaimer: click here [[alternative HTML version deleted]]