Dear Friends, I'm using the optim command to maximize a likelihood function. My optim command is as follows estim.out <- optim(beta, loglike, X=Xmain, Y=Y, hessian=T, method="BFGS", control=c(fnscale=-1, trace=1, REPORT=1)) Setting the report=1, gives me the likelihood function value (if i'm correct) at each step. The output from running this is as follows initial value 3501.558347 iter 2 value 3247.277071 iter 3 value 3180.679307 iter 4 value 3157.201356 iter 5 value 3156.579887 iter 6 value 3017.715292 iter 7 value 2993.349538 iter 8 value 2987.181782 iter 9 value 2986.672719 iter 10 value 2986.658620 iter 11 value 2986.658266 iter 12 value 2986.658219 iter 13 value 2986.658156 iter 13 value 2986.658156 iter 13 value 2986.658135 final value 2986.658135 converged I just wanted to know if there was any way I could get the value of each iteration into an object. At present it is dumped on the screen. But is there a way to get hold of these values through an object?? Thanks in advance sincerely Anup --------------------------------- The fish are biting. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]