# ls BATCH config libtool R Rdconv Sd2Rd build exec LINK Rcmd Rdiff SHLIB check f77 mkinstalldirs Rd2dvi REMOVE texi2dvi COMPILE INSTALL pager Rd2txt Rprof # ./R R : Copyright 2005, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Version 2.2.0 (2005-10-06 r35749) ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. Natural language support but running in an English locale R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for a HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > install.packages("Rcmdr",dependencies=TRUE) --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done dependency ''zoo'' is not available also installing the dependencies 'acepack', 'chron', 'Hmisc', 'scatterplot3d', 'quadprog', 'mlbench', 'randomForest', 'SparseM', 'xtable', 'its', 'systemfit', 'sem', 'e1071', 'tseries', 'Ecdat', 'mvtnorm', 'leaps', 'strucchange', 'sandwich', 'dynlm', 'abind', 'car', 'effects', 'lmtest', 'multcomp', 'relimp', 'RODBC' trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/acepack_1.3-2.2.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 18596 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 18Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/chron_2.3-7.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 29647 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 28Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/Hmisc_3.0-12.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 467466 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 456Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/scatterplot3d_0.3-24.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 504314 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 492Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/quadprog_1.4-9.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 11176 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 10Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/mlbench_1.1-1.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 1179218 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 1151Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/randomForest_4.5-16.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 82484 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 80Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/SparseM_0.71.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 537933 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 525Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/xtable_1.3-2.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 12475 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 12Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/its_1.1.4.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 33729 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 32Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/systemfit_0.8-0.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 431667 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 421Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/sem_0.9-5.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 45046 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 43Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/e1071_1.5-13.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 332528 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 324Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/tseries_0.10-6.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 188637 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 184Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/Ecdat_0.1-4.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 4352146 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 4250Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/mvtnorm_0.7-5.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 165654 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 161Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/leaps_2.7.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 24777 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 24Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/strucchange_1.3-0.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 561247 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 548Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/sandwich_2.0-0.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 609695 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 595Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/dynlm_0.1-2.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 17243 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 16Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/abind_1.1-0.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 10280 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 10Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/car_1.1-1.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 201383 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 196Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/effects_1.0-9.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 56186 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 54Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/lmtest_0.9-18.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 191251 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 186Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/multcomp_0.4-8.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 195368 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 190Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/relimp_0.9-7.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 12072 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 11Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/RODBC_1.1-7.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 79624 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 77Kb trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/Rcmdr_1.2-0.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 965878 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 943Kb * Installing *source* package 'acepack' ... ** libs /opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/bin/SHLIB: make: not found ERROR: compilation failed for package 'acepack' /opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/bin/INSTALL: test: argument expected ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' ERROR: failed to lock directory '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library' for modifying Try removing '/opt/sfw/R/R-2.2.0/library/00LOCK' The downloaded packages are in /tmp/Rtmp22145/downloaded_packages There were 28 warnings (use warnings() to see them) > warnings() Warning messages: 1: installation of package 'acepack' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 2: installation of package 'chron' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 3: installation of package 'Hmisc' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 4: installation of package 'scatterplot3d' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = T RUE) 5: installation of package 'quadprog' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 6: installation of package 'mlbench' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 7: installation of package 'randomForest' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TR UE) 8: installation of package 'SparseM' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 9: installation of package 'xtable' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 10: installation of package 'systemfit' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE ) 11: installation of package 'sem' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 12: installation of package 'e1071' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 13: installation of package 'Ecdat' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 14: installation of package 'mvtnorm' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 15: installation of package 'leaps' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 16: installation of package 'sandwich' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 17: installation of package 'dynlm' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 18: installation of package 'abind' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 19: installation of package 'car' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 20: installation of package 'effects' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 21: installation of package 'lmtest' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 22: installation of package 'relimp' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 23: installation of package 'RODBC' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 24: installation of package 'Rcmdr' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 25: installation of package 'its' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 26: installation of package 'tseries' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE) 27: installation of package 'strucchange' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TR UE) 28: installation of package 'multcomp' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies = TRUE)