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I´m tryng to use the SPDEP package in my research in the field
of population genetics. My data set
<br>has the following format:
<p> - x and y : coordinates,
<br>- Z: allelic frequency in each loci (in a total of 8 locis)
- this variable can assume the values 0 ; 0.5 or 1.
<br> The objective is to verify if there is a possible spatial autocorrelation
structure of the allelic frequency in a population of
<br>natives trees (<i>copaifera langsdorffii</i>).
<br>I had some doubts about the package:
<br>1) Is the package suitable to analyze this kind of data?
<br>2) Are the spatial autocorrelation tests in the package suitable
for this analysis?
<br>3) If it is, what are the steps needed to carry out the Moran's
I or others tests ?
<br>Any help will be welcome.
<br>Regards and
<br>Thank you very much.
<br>João Marcos Louzada
<br>Federal University of Lavras - Brasil
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