At 11:16 AM 6/17/02 +0200, you wrote:<br>
> yesterday I tried to find the www-site of the Journal of
> Software via Google. I was linked to
<a href="http://www.jstatsoft.org/" eudora="autourl">www.jstatsoft.org</a>
directly as well as via<br>
> several other sites, but netscape told me in all cases that<br>
> <a href="http://www.jstatsoft.org/" eudora="autourl">www.jstatsoft.org</a> does not exist. Does anybody know what is going on? New<br>
> website? Wrong address?<br>
> Best,<br>
> Christian<br>
Apparently the jstatsoft web server is temporarily down for some reason. <br>
Try a Google search on the word "jstatsoft". You'll notice that Google has cached many of this site's pages from its recent crawling logs. Just click Google's "cached" hyperlink. Perhaps you can find what you're looking for this way. (You can view, but you still can't "surf" on any of the pages retrieved this way. The server must up for that :-)<br>
<font color="#0000FF"><u>Journal of Statistical Software<br>
</u></font>Journal of Statistical Software. Related Links: Journal of Computational<br>
and Graphical Statistics. Search Site. Volume 1 - 1996. A Diagnostic <b>...</b> <br>
Description: Full text, code and data from vol.1 (1996). <br>
Category: <font color="#0000FF"><u>Science > Math > Statistics > Journals<br>
</u></font><font color="#008000"><a href="http://www.jstatsoft.org/" eudora="autourl">www.jstatsoft.org/</a> - 8k - 16 Jun 2002 - </font><font color="#0000FF"><u>Cached</u></font><font color="#008000"> - </font><font color="#0000FF"><u>Similar pages<br>
John Day<br>