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Daer all,
<p>Before to expose my problem, this the configuartion of my environment.
<br>I use the version 1.2.1 of R with a limux system (redhat)
<p>I have installed SJava (from omeghat) package successfully.
<br>So, i wanted to try an example (calc.R) that is provided in the library.
<br>This is the message I obtained:
<br>Error in isJavaInitialized("Java virtual machine has not been initialized.
Call .JavaInit
<br>Java virtual machine has not been initialized. Call .JavaInit()
<p>So, i tried .JavaInit() but i obtained Segmentation fault (core dumped)
<p>Could somebody help me ?
Olivier MARTIN
PhD student phone: (33) 04 76 61 53 55
Projet IS2 06 08 67 93 42
INRIA Rhone-Alpes fax : (33) 04 76 61 54 77
655, Av. de l'Europe
Montbonnot e-mail:olivier.martin@inrialpes.fr
38334 Saint Ismier cedex