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Hi all,
<p>Let x and y be two real predictor variables and z the real variable
reponse such that
<br>z=f(x,y)+e. Could you give some methods to estimate f and the
R packages if there are available.
<br>f is unknown and i would be interested by kernel regression methods
or methods based on projection to estimate it.
<br>In the one dimension case, my problem can be solved with the function
<br>So, what should be the solution(s) in two dimensions ?
Olivier MARTIN phone: (33) 04 76 61 53 55
Projet IS2 06 08 67 93 42
INRIA Rhone-Alpes fax : (33) 04 76 61 54 77
655, Av. de l'Europe
Montbonnot e-mail:olivier.martin@inrialpes.fr
38334 Saint Ismier cedex