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Hi everybody,
<p>I'm actually implementing some R functions about "Experimental Designs".
<br>I have some problems with the function "terms.formula" which doesn't
work like "terms"
<br> on S-Plus.
<br>I have just seen, in the development part of R, that it exists a new
documentation for this function,
<br> that include the option "neg.out", but I can't find any new source
for it.
<p>If someone can help me to solve this problem ...
<p>Thank you
Isabelle Zabalza-Mezghani Tel : 01 47 52 61 99
Institut Français du Pétrole E-mail : isabelle.zabalza-mezghani@ifp.fr
1-4 Av. Bois Preau - Bat Lauriers
92852 Rueil Malmaison Cedex, France</pre>