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I'm trying to make a transition from S-plus under Windows to R under Linux.
My immediate aim is to produce a scatter plot with two y-axes with different
scales. That can be done in S-plus with a command of the following form:
<br>guiPlot( PlotType="Scatter", DataSet="execon", Columns="years,hstart,ship",
AxisType="Multiple Y" ),
<br>where years, hstart, and ship are columns in the dataset called execon.
<br>Is there an equivalent command in R? I'd be most grateful
for any suggestions.
John P. Burkett
Department of Economics
University of Rhode Island
10 Chafee Road, Suite 3
Kingston, RI 02881-0808
phone: (401) 874-4122
fax: (401) 874-2858</pre>