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Well, I guess it depends on WHAT KIND of 3D plots you want.
<p>Try typing:
<br>> ?persp
<p>This help file will explain how you can draw perspective 3D surface
plot, which, from your discription of (x, y, z), is the one you should
<p>Ko-Kang Wang
<p>Anne Badel-Chagnon wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>
<pre>I am looking for a package that allow to plot 3D set of points (x, y, z) ?</pre>
<pre>Can someone help me to find it ?</pre>
<pre>thank for help</pre>
Anne BADEL-CHAGNON Email:badel@urbb.jussieu.fr
Equipe de Bioinformatique Moléculaire, Universite Paris 7
Tour 53, 1er etage, case 7113 Tel :
75251 Paris cedex 05 Fax :</pre>