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many thanks to P. Dalgaard, J. Fox, J. Lemon, JE. Paradis and J. Polzehl
for their quick replies.
<br>The original posting is at the end of this summary.
<br>I've not well explained myself but I don't wanted to use par(mfrow)
or par(mfcol) because I wanted to plot very different graphics and this
solution doesn't match my needs.
<p>E. Paradis and P. Dalgaard made me discover a new (for me!) function
: layout() which may do the job (I'm exploring the possibilities).
<p>But I finally chose the P. Dalgaard' s solution of setting par(new=T)
between each plot say:
<p>thanks very much,
<br> Mathieu
Mathieu Ros - 13 rue bévière - 38000 GRENOBLE - 04 76 491
<A HREF="http://mathieu.ros.free.fr/">http://mathieu.ros.free.fr/</A><br>
DESS ingénierie mathématique (biostatistiques)<br>
Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble<br>
l'expérience est le nom que chacun donne a ses erreurs. Wilde
<p>-- original posting : --
<pre>hello R-users,</pre>
<pre>I'd like to plot four graphics on the same page but with different</pre>
<pre>sizes. I've tried to use :</pre>
<pre>but when a figure is plotted, it erase the previous.</pre>
<pre>I've tried to pass 'new=T' to plot function but it's not possible.</pre>
<pre>What can I do ? is it a bug ?</pre>
<pre>I've already reported this a 2 or 3 month ago but I can't find out the</pre>
<pre>answers I get.</pre>
<pre> Mathieu</pre>
<pre>I run R 0.99-0 on a linux mandrake 7.0</pre>