[R] [R-pkgs] Announcing geneviewer v0.1.10 Now Available on CRAN

Niels van der Velden n@@@j@v@nderve|den @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Jan 13 17:05:46 CET 2025

Dear all,

I am happy to announce that {geneviewer*}* v0.1.10 is now on CRAN.

*{geneviewer}* is an R package for plotting gene clusters and transcripts.
It imports data from GenBank, FASTA, and GFF files, performs BlastP and
MUMmer alignments, and displays results on gene arrow maps. The package
offers extensive customization options, including legends, labels,
annotations, scales, colors, tooltips, and more.

   - *CRAN:* https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/geneviewer/index.html
   - *GitHub Repository:* https://github.com/nvelden/geneviewer
   - *Package website:  *https://nvelden.github.io/geneviewer/
   - *Bug Reports:* https://github.com/nvelden/geneviewer/issues

I hope you find {*geneviewer}* helpful.

Please feel free to reach out with feedback or questions.


Niels van der Velden

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