[R] Dirichlet kernel requires r to be defined, which is not in the help

Martin Maechler m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Wed Sep 18 10:20:27 CEST 2024

>>>>> Samuel Granjeaud IR/Inserm 
>>>>>     on Sat, 14 Sep 2024 15:55:53 +0200 writes:

    > Code to reproduce
    >> kernel("dirichlet")
    > Error in kernel("dirichlet") : argument "r" is missing, with no default

    > The help says

    > r    the kernel order for a Fejer kernel.

    > Thanks to update the help.

You are right.  This is a documentation bug  which has *not*
been reported ever in the ca 25 years the function and its doc
exists ...

It should say

   r    the kernel order for a Dirichlet or Fejer kernel.

--> I will fix the sources accordingly.
Should be in the next released version of R ..
thanks to you very much,  Samuel!


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