[R] "And" condition spanning over multiple columns in data frame

Francesca |r@nce@c@@p@ncotto @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Sep 12 09:42:57 CEST 2024

Dear contributors,
I need to create a set of columns, based on conditions of a dataframe as
I have managed to do the trick for one column, but I do not seem to find
any good example where the condition is extended to all the dataframe.

I have these dataframe called c10Dt:

id cp1 cp2 cp3 cp4 cp5 cp6 cp7 cp8 cp9 cp10 cp11 cp12
1  1  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
2  4   8  18  15  10  12  11   9  18   8   16   15   NA
3  3   8   5   5   4  NA   5  NA   6  NA   10   10   10
4  3   5   5   4   4   3   2   1   3   2    1    1    2
5  1  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
6  2   5   5  10  10   9  10  10  10  NA   10    9   10

Columns are id, cp1, cp2.. and so on.

What I need to do is the following, made on just one column:

c10Dt <-  mutate(c10Dt, exit1= ifelse(is.na(cp1) & id!=1, 1, 0))

So, I create a new variable, called exit1, in which the program selects
cp1, checks if it is NA, and if it is NA but also the value of the column
"id" is not 1, then it gives back a 1, otherwise 0.
So, what I want is that it selects all the cases in which the id=2,3, or 4
is not NA in the corresponding values of the matrix.
I managed to do it manually column by column, but I feel there should be
something smarter here.

The problem is that I need to replicate this over all the columns from cp2,
to cp12, but keeping fixed the id column instead.

I have tried with

c10Dt %>%
  mutate(x=across(starts_with("cp"), ~ifelse(. == NA)) & id!=1,1,0 )

but the problem with across is that it will implement the condition only on
cp_ columns. How do I tell R to use the column id with all the other

Thanks for any help provided.



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