[R] readLines() and unz() and non-empty final line

Marttila Mikko m|kko@m@rtt||@ @end|ng |rom or|onph@rm@@com
Thu Oct 24 13:59:46 CEST 2024

Dear list,

I'm seeing a strange interaction with readLines() and unz() when reading
a file without an empty final line. The final line gets dropped silently:

> cat("hello", file = "hello.txt")
> zip("hello.zip", "hello.txt")
  adding: hello.txt (stored 0%)
> readLines(unz("hello.zip", "hello.txt"))

The documentation for readLines() says if the final line is incomplete for
"non-blocking text-mode connections" the line is "pushed back, silently"
but otherwise "accepted with a warning".

My understanding is that the unz() here is blocking so the line should be
accepted. Is that incorrect? If so, how would I go about reading such
lines from a zip file?



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