[R] OSX-specific Bug in randomForest

Stevie Pederson @tephen@peder@on@@u @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Oct 24 13:59:53 CEST 2024

Thank you all for such insightful comments & let's hope it gets sorted
soon. I was unaware of the isTRUE() and all.equal() functions so they're
very helpful things indeed to add to my own toolkit.

Our current solution is to move from a local machine to an HPC-based
environment so we have a way forward for our specific use-case at least.

Thanks again

On Thu, 24 Oct 2024 at 20:34, Martin Maechler <maechler using stat.math.ethz.ch>

> >>>>> "pd" == peter dalgaard
> >>>>>     on Thu, 24 Oct 2024 11:00:25 +0200 writes:
>     pd> This is probably Apple Silicon specific, not OSX per se:
>     >> sum(rep(1 / 9, 9)) - 1
>     pd> [1] 0
>     >> On 23 Oct 2024, at 07:26 , Stevie Pederson
>     >> <stephen.pederson.au using gmail.com> wrote:
>     >>
>     >> sum(rep(1 / 9, 9)) - 1 # [1] 2.220446e-16
> But indeed, it *is* a bug *always* to assume that double
> precision arithmetic is exact be it in R or not
> (unless you *know* that all the numbers involved are of the form
>   <integer> * 2^k ; k in "around" (-1000):1000 )
> Martin Maechler

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