[R] Mac ARM for lm() ?

Ivo Welch |vo@we|ch @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Nov 13 21:02:52 CET 2024

I have found more general questions, but I have a specific one.  I
have a few million (independent) short regressions that I would like
to run (each reg has about 60 observations, though they can have
missing observations [yikes]).  So, I would like to be running as many
`lm` and `coef(lm)` in parallel as possible.  my hardware is Mac, with
nice GPUs and integrated memory --- and so far completely useless to
me.  `mclapply` is obviously very useful, but I want more, more, more

is there a recommended plug-in library to speed up just `lm` by also
using the GPU cores?

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