[R] Using multiple dat files
David Winsemius
dw|n@em|u@ @end|ng |rom comc@@t@net
Thu Nov 7 05:41:16 CET 2024
On 11/5/24 22:29, Sibylle Stöckli via R-help wrote:
> Dear community
> To import multiple .dat weather files I am using list.files().
> I intend to use the R package “ClimInd” to calculate different agroclimatic indicators.
> Question: Is there another solution to import multiple .dat files so that I can select elements from the list, e.g. one specific weather file (example AAR_DailyWeather)?
> # Import multiple .dat files weather data
> filelist <- list.files(path = "O:/Data-Work/……./Daten_RA-MeteoCH_1990-2021", pattern='*.dat', all.files= T, full.names= T)
> W <- lapply(filelist, function(x) read.table(x, header = TRUE, sep = "", colClasses = "numeric", comment.char = ""))
> W[[1]]
`W[[1]]` should be a data.frame, but it will not have the name
"AAR_DailyWeather" unless you assign names using the values in `filelist`.
>> dd(data = W[[1]]$Precip, time.scale = W[[1]]$year)
It is unclear what this code snippet is supposed to represent. There is
no function named `dd` in the base packages. There is a `dd` function in
package Hmisc but if you use it you need to assign the results to an
object name. Just executing the call will do nothing except perhaps
checking to see if there are errors.
> Fehler in W[[1]]$year : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Also unclear is how that error message came about. It seems to indicate
that W[[1]] is not a dataframe. You can examine the `W` object with
Looking at the help page for ClimInd::dd it appears that the
'time.scale' argument is supposed to signify what time scale to assume,
namely one of {month, season, year}. Pretty crappy documentation since
it is unstated what type the allowable values are and the usage example
|time.scale = YEAR|
And there does not appear to be any definition of what the value of `YEAR` is supposed to be.
It appears to me that you have been assigned a task in a poorly
documented package.
Contact the package author.
> Kind regards
> Sibylle
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