[R] test2r.mengz1(X)

Alligand, Justine ju@t|ne@@|||g@nd @end|ng |rom @tudent@un|-@|egen@de
Mon May 13 18:24:25 CEST 2024

Dear participants and subscribers of the R-help mailing list,

I would like to compare two dependent correlations with one overlapping variable. The Meng Z1 method seemed suitable for this purpose. I found out that the "cocor" package is required for this instrument. I checked several times whether the package was installed and activated and both were the case. I have also tried the "psych" package, but I get the same error in both cases:
> library(cocor)
> library(psych)
> test2r.mengz1(corAVOBMI, corAVVBMI, corAVOAVV, 39)
Error in test2r.mengz1(corAVOBMI, corAVVBMI, corAVOAVV, 39) :
  could not find function "test2r.mengz1" (Translated from German)
Do I not have the right package? Or can you recognize another error?
Many thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully
Justine Alligand

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